Monday, October 28, 2013

Green Space at Penn

No more Concrete
College green – tree, brick, stone, and grass

1950- buses and trolley
1970-1975- developed a master plan for college green to design the heart of the college
Green space include green park, garden, and walkway that connected the campus.
The goal for the transformation is to increase campus green space and using sustainable building practices.

Shoemaker Green is located at 33rd Street, foreground toThe Palestra.This is a area where you can lie on the grass or enjoy a coffee.It become the gathering spot for sporting events, as well as graduation at Franklin Field.

Shoemaker Green incorporate three rain gardens, porous pavers and a cistern for rainwater reuse to mitigate storm water drainage issues. By replacing paved surfaces with landscaping, it will also help to reduce the urban heat island effect. 

2.75-acre green space features a central lawn surrounded by walkways along the perimeter and native plantings. The planting of native species that will increase local biodiversity, while creating a new open space for the campus. Native species means that the plants need less water and less maintenance, they were planted along the pervious pavements that allow water to percolate into the soil. On the terrace along the front of the Palestra, there are permanent benches containing recycled black locust, a native hardwood.

The project’s multiple sustainability elements are highlighted by a rain garden in the northwest corner that will serve as a basin to capture rainwater run-off and filter it before it is collected in a 20,000-gallon underground cistern and used for irrigation of the site. Shoemaker Green has been a pilot project for Sustainable Sites Initiative, a landscape architecture rating system like LEED certification process. Bike corrals have been installed to support sustainable transportation around campus.
Shoemaker Green provides the welcoming entrance that Penn Park lacks. This is the destination and a pedestrian route from Locust and Smith Walks to the new Penn Park. 

One of Penn Park’s most notable qualities is the opportunities it provides for pedestrian connection to Center City. 
Walk and bikes only

One of Penn Park’s most successful planning is the opportunities it provides for pedestrian connection to Center City.

One of the Park’s accomplishments is that it transformed a parking lot into sustainable site. Environmentally friendly components includes 548 local trees were planted in the park, all of which can be irrigated using recycled rainwater from cisterns. Also, energy-efficient lighting should save the park 300,000 watts of energy per hour.

Penn Park combines  sports activity with relaxation and informal play. Athletic venues will include sprint turf fields, a softball stadium, tennis center, and enclosed season air structure.

Benche P. Levy Park

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